aLoNe .. anD LonELy ...

.. yang penting dalam hidup bukan menikmati keuntungan dan keberuntungan yang diperoleh, melainkan bagaimana caranya mengambil keuntungan dari kerugian ..

aLoNe .. anD LonELy ...

aLoNe .. anD LonELy ...
diNaseHatinnn .. !!! rENungkAnLakH .. !!!

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Kesalahan Terbesar

Sekian lama sudah kita berpisah
Aku mencari dan merindukan dirinya

Akhirnya ku bertemu dengan dirimu
Dan aku mencoba mengungkapkan rasa ini..

Mengapa ku tak sadari, dulu ku menusukkan hatimu
Dan aku tak peduli hingga kau terjatuh dan tak berdaya..

Kusesali perbuatanku, mengkhianati dirimu
Tanpa perasaan..
Bila ku mengingat dirimu, saat ku meninggalkanmu
Pasti menyakitkan..
Mungkinkah kita bisa kembali seperti dulu..
Janjiku, setia.. sepertimu..

Lirik Lagu Indonesia

aLoNe .. anD LonELy ... waiTing yoU

Come to thing of it
Life is ironically funny
I slammed the dor at your face
But my nose got hit instead
I kicked you out of my life
But I was the one who felt rejected
I ripped your heart
But I was the one who lived with the pain
I killed you
But I was the one who died
I wanted nothing to do with you
But here I am, waiting for you to come back
I didn't want to love you
But now I am looking back over my shoulder
Wishing that I could turn back the time

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